Child Safeguarding and Gender Coordinator

  • Beirut, Libanon

Child Safeguarding and Gender Coordinator

Child Safeguarding and gender specialist TOR:

1-      Main Tasks:

a-      AAP:

  • Facilitate feedback sessions with children or administering surveys to allow children to voice their needs and priorities.
  • Improve the awareness of affected children, young people on their rights and expected conduct of teachers and other humanitarian aid workers.
  • Conduct regular consultation session with children through active listening, child-friendly language and participatory facilitation.
  • ills with children and adolescents of different age groups.
  • Receive in-person complaints related to safeguarding breaches and SEA allegations and refer to the PSEA Focal point accordingly.
  • Develop information, education, and communication (IEC) materials, and disseminate child friendly key messages to explain and promote AAP.
  • Implement the feedback channels (quantitative, qualitative, and participatory data collection) and handle the overall feedback information management and reporting.



b-      Gender and adolescent girl's programming:

  • Provide technical support to Makani staff on the adolescent girls’ programming that includes: 1) implementation of girls’ life skills tailored package, 2) establishment of girls’ networks and 3) implementation of gender equality initiatives by the girls’ networks.
  • Rigorous follow up on the implementation of adolescent girls’ programming
  • Liase between Makani partner and local women led organization in charge of girls’ network component.
  • Coaching to Makani staff implementing the adolescent girls’ programming with the support of relevant UNICEF staff and local women led organization working on establishment of girls’ networks


c-      GBV:

  • Set up a network of dedicated GBV focal points in MAKANI centers trained on GBV and capable of following up on daily basis on alignment of interventions with GBV principals.
  • Capacitate Makani partners on Gender Based Violence Safe Identification & Referrals for Girls at risk / survivors of GBV.
  • Liaise with GBV focal points in MAKANI centers on daily basis.
  • Liaise with GBV partners in the area to ensure linkages between adolescent girls’ package and GBV services where needed.
  • Coach Makani partners where needed on GBV oriented programing.
  • Ensure that GBV related procedures are adequate and applied through regular monitoring visits to the MAKANI centre in the governorate.


    d-     PSEA and Child safeguarding:


    Prevention of SEA and serious child safeguarding violations:

  • Conduct training and awareness-raising session on PSEA and Child Safeguarding for all personnel involved in the MAKANI program regularly.
  • Facilitate awareness-raising with child beneficiaries and their caregivers on PSEA and CS and the existing reporting channels.
  • Conduct activity level risk assessment before the start of any big activity that involves direct or indirect contact with children and their caregivers and propose mitigation measures.
  • Ensure that PSEA and Child Safeguarding policies and procedures are adequate and applied through regular monitoring visits to the MAKANI centre in the governorate.



  • Receive in person SEA and low/ serious child safeguarding allegations from children/ caregivers and MAKANI’s staff personal and coordinate age/ gender / disability sensitive response to the victims.
  • Notify the management about SEA cases and serious CS violations in line with the internal procedures of the organization.


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